Friday, July 29, 2011

Blessings in the Realm of Justice by Robert Ricciardelli

True citizens of any nation choose to live in the righteous boundaries of that nation, and blessings flow in living in the realm of justice. God has provided a Kingdom nation for its citizens, a government for abundant life. Living for eternity now is realized by submitting to the love, power, and glory of this Kingdom within each of us. Blessed are those who align themselves with the substance of heaven. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kingdom Rules From Within by Robert Ricciardelli

Obedience in the Kingdom is not obeying a defined set of rules for all, but obedience to a God who uniquely defines us all. Systems love to rule with rules while driving compliance through performance and fear. The Kingdom places its loving domain within the hearts of it's citizen who willingly submit to the King's rules of engagement for life. Kingdom justice is executed with love, mercy, and grace for all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pleasing Self Displeases God by Robert Ricciardelli

Vain religion brings comfort to those consumed by their own needs and desires. They pridefully follow the moral majority rules thinking that this pleases God. They settle for eternal security, wait for heaven, and wonder why the world hasn't changed much. When they awaken to the Kingdom within, they become Spirit driven to lovingly meet the needs of others, which makes them world changers bringing pleasure to their God.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The "Being" of What We Believe by Robert Ricciardelli

We can have beliefs that align with the Kingdom of God and still not be living in the integrity of those beliefs. There is often a gap between knowing and doing, and to know and not do is to truly not know. Agreements collapse under pressure, and we do not understand covenant. The power we desire to live in will not come until we begin to live in harmony with our beliefs, agreements, and covenants with God and man.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Christ to Everyone and Everything by Robert Ricciardelli

It is my desire to be like Christ to everyone and in everything. It amazing to know that as I continue to be conformed in His likeness, I bring pleasure to Almighty God. Transformation begins in my own heart and allows me to live a Spirit empowered existence of bringing light to the world. Transformed people can transform nations by touching cities and impacting culture through the power of Love filled Presence.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The "Not About Me" Life by Robert Ricciardelli

Many people are trapped in the "it's all about me" life, and faith has become a "ticket to heaven" one day rather than a "carrier of heaven" for today. The love of neighbors, outsiders, or even God has become more theory than reality, and knowledge has become an illusion to actually living the love message. God is causing an awakening to authentic life, and we are welcomed participants in His love revolution.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

You Are A World Changer by Robert Ricciardelli

You are becoming a world changer! It begins with a transformed heart, a renewed mind, a changed self. As Spirit transforms self further into the image of God, you are able to move in power as a divine change agent for good. World changers understand the priorities of God and move in His love and compassion. Draped in humility, they acknowledge the presence of God as the power for all change in the world.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mobilize Your Desire to Succeed by Robert Ricciardelli

Desire remains just a thought in the absence of intentional activities. Empowered mobilization brings reality to desire and good intentions. There must be an ongoing hunger and thirst for dreams to become reality. You are propelled forward when you pursue them as if they are oxygen for your every breath. In the fusion of God, desire, and focused intentions, you will overcome all obstacles toward a successful reality. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Learn Along Destiny's Highway by Robert Ricciardelli

There are many roads we take that converge with destiny's highway. It is the growth we experience towards destiny that matters most. We can trust our Divine navigation system to adjust our course as He deems necessary along the way. Sometimes we choose roads that call for rigorous realignment, and heavens highway is not always fun, but it is our attitude that determines how well we enjoy the journey.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Choose Not, the Snare of Despair by Robert Ricciardelli

Make the choice each day to not fall into the snare of despair, remembering those who remained hopeful in the midst of great trials. They chose faith over circumstance, lifted out of darkness and into a positive light for everything and everyone. Realities demand a response, but our response does not have to take us further into darkness, as God empowers us and sustains us in our choosing life through adversity.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blessings in the Realm of Justice by Robert Ricciardelli

True citizens of a nation desire to live in the life prescribed boundaries of that nation, and blessings flow from living in the realm of justice. God has provided a Kingdom nation for its citizens, a government for life. Living for eternity now is realized by willingly submitting to the love, glory, and power deposited within each of us. Great rewards await those who align themselves with the substance of heaven.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Living in the Integrity of Agreements by Robert Ricciardelli

Agreements matter, and we must live in the integrity of our internal and external agreements. Most people make judgments and assessments based on circumstances, presuppositions, or past history. Authentic leaders do not operate from these low realm indicators and instead choose to live honorably through their deliberations. These leaders willingly submit to wisdom that is congruent with their established agreements. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Passionately Pursue a Shared Life by Robert Ricciardelli

Outstanding success can come from both desire and skill in relating with others in business and in life. We have been designed to flourish in the strength that only togetherness can provide. It begins with the foundation of love for God, for self, and for the crown of creation called humanity. Trust God, risk being rejected, and passionately pursue shared life experiences that flow through authentic relationships.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Listen for the Mysteries of God by Robert Ricciardelli

God speaks to us great mysteries in a variety of ways. He does so through creation, dreams, visions, and speaking, wisdom, and encouragement to our hearts. Confirm the voice of Wisdom while moving in agreement to His instructions. Accept Providence in what He does and what He may not do in your expectations, and regardless of your understanding, expect His amazing grace to fill in all the gaps along your journey.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Loving Beyond the Establishments of Man by Robert Ricciardelli

Those who are spiritual live in truth, justice, and inclusivity, while exclusive others put religious activities above grace, mercy, and truth. Religious systems want to collect people in buildings while God desires to connect with all people beyond mans establishments. Religion protects itself by separating from the world while the children of God go fearlessly into the world in the power of His love. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Building on the Strength of "Us" by Robert Ricciardelli

We must break down the walls of "me" and "them" to begin to let go of the lines that divide, and be able to love and appreciate all of humanity. We must not ignore the vulnerability and brokenness that all of humanity shares, as well as all of the potential for good. Together we can build a brighter tomorrow when we acknowledge the strengths outside of ourselves, and build in the power of God and "us".

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Kingdom Beyond Human Constraints by Robert Ricciardelli

Living life in freedom is a lifetime of becoming human as God intended. God designed us to be supernaturally empowered in the practical, manifesting His glory through the ordinary. It occurs in the now, through living incarnations of Himself, and not through the lenses of law and morality codes. The Kingdom is beyond human constraints or containment, and as children, we are welcomed participants.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Heavenly Fleet, Heavenly Cargo by Robert Ricciardelli

The truth and light of God cannot be hidden. When it permeates a vessel, the vessel cannot damper it. The vessel is fueled by it, guided by it, and shines brilliantly for it. These vessels for good on earth will not be detoured while being propelled as agents of love, light, and goodwill to all. This heavenly loaded fleet continues to emerge and converge, delivering the precious cargo of heaven to the earth.

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Being" is Beyond the Entrapments of Doing by Robert Ricciardelli

You an amazing part of creations big picture while not being asked to do anything more than what you have been designed for. Having a valued role in God means that you live in freedom and can cast your burdens on Him. You are fully authorized to participate with nothing to prove to mankind, because your significance and dignity comes from God. It is beyond the entrapments of doing, because you can rest in your being. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ego Dismissed Through Significance by Robert Ricciardelli

Ego must be disregarded and dismissed in order to welcome and embrace a significant Spirit life. Ego likes to believe we are separate from God and others while maintaining the need to acquire, possess, and control. Life in the Spirit seeks Gods directives, perspectives, and Gods glory in all things. Spirit man loves and serves for the benefit of others while doing so knowing their true identity as a child of God. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Legacies Are Not Built On Potential by Robert Ricciardelli

Legacies cannot be built on mere potential. Greatness resides within you, although it is what you do that flows authentically through who you are that matters most. Reputations can be fleeting as they can be built up for years and yet destroyed in a moment. Remain confident in who you are and the gifts you have while at the same time continuing in the essential activities that build a great life and legacy.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Gift of Choice by Robert Ricciardelli

One of God's greatest gifts to each of us is the gift of choice. Wisdom reveals to us that most circumstances that occur in our lives are directly related to choices that have been made. How quickly we forget the opportunity that choice provides, especially in the midst of struggle. When we initiate good choices in thoughts and actions, we reap a sound mind, and productive lives. Choose well this day! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Avoid the Bitterness Detour by Robert Ricciardelli

Our choices, the choices of others, and God's providence have led us to this place called today. Hope instigates happiness while pursuing our dreams through life's peaks and valleys. If we do take the bitterness detour, we can go through struggles with discipline, dignity, and happiness, and knowing the promise we have for brighter tomorrows.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Connective and Collective Joy by Robert Ricciardelli

When you are told that you are faster, smarter, or more beautiful than others, it feels good. It seems like joy can be associated with being different, or standing above the crowd, but such joy is very temporary. True joy is hidden where we are the same as other people as part of God's family. It is the joy of being family, and of lovingly sharing life together. "God in us," brings connective and collective joy in creation.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Embracing God and Creation by Robert Ricciardelli

A spiritual person is one who holds both God and creation in thoughtful and loving embrace. Aware of God's love for humanity, those who are Spirit led will hurt at injustice, live in God's own pain over the ills of humanity, and share in the pain and suffering of others. They are compelled to take action, their greatest passion is compassion, and their greatest strength is love and the defiance of despair.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Joy Filled Strength and Life by Robert Ricciardelli

Abundant life comes through a joy filled existence. God gives us freedom, and especially the freedom to choose. Regardless of what you have experienced or are experiencing in your journey, there is a promise, hope, and choice that remain for you. Embracing hope through faith you can choose joy over sorrow, regret, and despair. Joy fuels a passionate heart, and God illuminated joy brings strength to each day. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Faith is the Remedy for Fear by Robert Ricciardelli

The fear of pain and heartache is far worse than the suffering itself. The remedy for fear of the future is faith in your present, faith in the God who has brought you to now, and faith that He will guide you through every tomorrow. Suffering has little hope in the heart of one who is chasing their visions and dreams. Every moment spent in your engagement with destiny, are moments spent encountering God and eternity.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

To Learn is to Win by Robert Ricciardelli

I have won, I have lost, and I have learned. What I have  won I do not take for granted, nor do I rest upon my past victories. When I have lost, I have often gained, and I never gaze long at my past defeats. What I have learned has become a treasure that can never be taken from me. There are both winning and losing experiences through life, but to have learned is to have become, a winner.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Expect the Unexpected Gifts in Life by Robert Ricciardelli

I learned a long time ago to expect the unexpected and I have also learned that the unexpected was often God's expected provision for my good. His gifts come in the form of comforting victories as well as strengthening trials. Embrace God's unexpected gifts no matter how comforting or discomforting they may be. Expect that over time, you will learn and grow from the unexpected opportunities that God sends your way.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Life Beyond the Meetings by Robert Ricciardelli

Religion often communicates that a church meeting is more significant than loving and serving people in every day life. We wonder why we do not make a difference in our communities when we do not bring relevant faith, hope, and love to those who need it the most. Be thankful for purpose filled meetings, but be more thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in people lives in moments of each and every day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Truth, The Way, The Life by Robert Ricciardelli

God Himself contains all Truth for He is Absolute Truth.  He is the creator of all things, the giver of life, the All who restores all through His Truth. He beckons us to choose freedom and His abundant reality life. He empowers us to discern what is of His substance while uncovering the paradigms that mimic the truth but in the end leads us away from His best. Christ, sets us free into His amazing truth, way, and life. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Replace the Lies with Truth by Robert Ricciardelli

Things that happen to us are not nearly as damaging as the aftermath in our minds, and how we process them, release the power of them, or allow the painful memories to control to our mind, will, and emotions. Often times our thoughts become lies and keep us in bondage to our circumstances. Change the story in your mind, replace the lies with the truth, and healing can come while you get back on course with destiny.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Leaders: Love and Strength Filtered by Humility by Robert Ricciardelli

People throughout history have been marginalized by the hierarchical controls of titled and entitled leaders of various systems. There are authorities, assignments and gifts that God gives to serve others, but His Kingdom is never self serving, and always beckoning servants to lay down their lives for others. Empowerment to lead as an ambassador for God comes from the foundation of love and a strength filtered by humility.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Liberty For Fallen Soldiers by Robert Ricciardelli

They who die for liberty, live in liberty, eternally present with God, while leaving a hope filled legacy for future generations. We are cheerful because they made a difference for each of us, and we are tearful because we journey on without them in the freedom they made possible. We thank God for our fallen soldiers and pray amazing strength, courage, and peace for their families, as God's truth goes marching on.

All Things in God Are For Good by Robert Ricciardelli

God's presence has never left you, and His love abides forever. It does not matter what you have done or what you have failed to do in regards to His desire to do you good. Receive the goodness of God, and together with Him you will make better decisions for your future. The past is gone but the future is bright, while He walks you through the consequences of your past. All things work together for good with God.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Authenticity Brings Empowerment by Robert Ricciardelli

Who are we trying to please? To the one, there is relational harmony, and we are a welcomed in their life. To another, there is dissonance, and they find no reason to allow us into their world. We must be true to who we are regardless of how we may be perceived or received. Authenticity brings strength, honor, favor, in addition to great challenges. It is however the only way toward an exceptionally empowered life.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Live for Truth, Not for Reputation by Robert Ricciardelli

Your reputation is what you're known for. It is what others believe to be true about your character, personality, skills, and values. People can develop an opinion of these things based on what they have heard or experienced. By living a life of love and truth, you open doors for opportunity. People can also have untrue opinions because of what you stand for, so do not live for opinions, live and stand for truth.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reshaping and Realignment from God by Robert Ricciardelli

You seek Wisdom the best you can, you make the moves, and God makes the adjustments to your moves. You miss His voice or plans from time to time, and He gracefully fills in the gap. You shape your beliefs based on everything you have come to know and experience, and God finds a way to reshape your thoughts to align with His. It all seems like a very simple way to live, and it can be, when we give our burdens to God.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Rest That God Gives by Robert Ricciardelli

Regardless of where you are in your journey, on top of the mountain, in the valley, or someone who has been in the wilderness for a long time, you can enter into the rest of Christ. Regardless of what you are doing or where you may be, it is always about relationship with, and resting in your God in the midst of every condition. The rest that God gives is sustenance to your soul and peaceful advancement.

God Sees You as an Amazing Creation by Robert Ricciardelli

God sees you as an amazing creation. Do not let your self or other voices tell you otherwise. They are all lies as God sees you as a precious gift to Himself and the world around you. You must grow beyond your past failures and what you may feel about yourself. Reality is what God says and feels about you. Reality is that you are His precious child, and humility is surrendering and living to His thoughts of you.

Rejoice in the Illumination of Next Steps by Robert Ricciardelli

We should rejoice at the little light that illuminates the next steps of our spectacular future. Though the shadows remain regarding tomorrow, we carry the hope of eternity within us. In the light and faith of this treasure within, we are unstoppable in what we are destined for, and empowered to overcome through all adversity. We can walk through life with joy declaring that it is well within our soul.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Authentically Human As God Intends by Robert Ricciardelli

This generation desires authenticity while the posers continue to have their fakery exposed no matter how many ways they spin it. They can tell, they can yell, and they can threaten hell, but the audience is diminishing and not listening. God is delivering Himself through people who are willing to give of themselves. Becoming human as God intends, will increasingly become a powerful force for the good of mankind.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Live in God's Reality by Robert Ricciardelli

Whatever you perceive your value to be in this life, you will respond to life accordingly, based on your own self worth. Low values can only seen through the lens of what you or others may see, yet not through the reality of who you really are. God created you to be amazing and even now views you as a His amazing child. He lives within you, comforts you, and leads you to becoming the value He eternally sees you to be. Live in this reality.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Being the Blessing by Robert Ricciardelli

We have spent way too much time asking God for a blessing instead of asking how we may be a blessing for Him and for others through our lives. On top of that, we ask God to bless the work that we are doing, and He often will not because it is not the work He is doing. Begin to rephrase your questions and renew your focus. Blessings come when we focus on the work God is doing, and in our willingness to work with Him.

Flourishing with the Right Tribe by Robert Ricciardelli

A tribe is a people who find identify in a family, culture, or concept. Your biggest fans are found in relational tribes of mutual love, safety, and honor. We may also be part of a tribe that shares the same faith, or a tribe that engages together in the marketplace. You may find that you are connected to various relational concentric circles, or tribes within a tribe. You can flourish with the right tribe. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

God Speaks in the Moment by Robert Ricciardelli

There are times that we are led away by God to hear His voice, be strengthened, and become refreshed for our journey. Those times are amazing as well as exceptional in our Spirit led existence. I have found that as I intentionally connect with God throughout my day, He speaks in marvelous clarity for each moment. In our synchronized life with God, we can remain empowered for every good work in the busiest of days.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Freely Receive, Freely Give by Robert Ricciardelli

Love is free and yet can never be forced. A God who loves with no conditions, risks that the love offered may never be received. This is the clarion call of the type of love we must freely receive, and also freely offer. There is great risk that the love that we give may also not be received. Do we then not give it? We must never withhold our love, God's love, from flowing from our very being to others.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

You Are Unstoppable by Robert Ricciardelli

Omnipotent God gives you the keys to an unshakable destiny. Nothing can stop His providential plans, and nothing can stop the seed of potential He has put within you. God is unstoppable and therefore God in you and God through you is unstoppable. When you know who you really are and do not cower at the obstacles you face, all obstacles must bow to Majesty, as you walk boldly through them in the strength of your God.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Discernment For Distractions by Robert Ricciardelli

You cannot get rid of distractions, you can only steward them. You cannot leave planet earth which is a world of distractions, and sustained isolation is not good. The key is knowing what distractions you are meant to engage with or totally ignore. Distractions can bring pause to productivity, and yet discernment is needed on the occasion that God allows for it saying, "Pay attention child, I have a new assignment." 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Keep the Conversations Going by Robert Ricciardelli

When we can keep the conversation going, the opportunity for discovery remains. Dogma and idiosyncratic walls can hinder the discovery of God, self, and each other. We sometimes divide ourselves over insignificant and presupposed truth or preferences, while God eternally desires oneness with Him and each other. Our collective conversations inspired by God, bring fullness to the Mysteries and the Majesty of our God.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Living in Constant Amazement by Robert Ricciardelli

The goal of one who is spiritual is to live in a constant state of amazement. It is to hop out of bed and with a bounce in our step declare,"Thank you God for another day to live, to serve, and have my being." As we live and move in God we look at the possibilities to bring His light and love to all that we engage with. We do not take life for granted, see everything as spiritual, and bring life through every choice.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Talking to Love Within You by Robert Ricciardelli

We can convert our thoughts from a monologue to self of our fears, our past, and our painful present, to a dialogue with God. We will not remain a victim of thoughts when we discuss them with God, and allow Him to lovingly remind us of His freedom from our past, His peace for today, and His hope filled future with us. Our minds become renewed and the transformational process engaged as we talk to Love within us.