Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dime Store Prophecies by Robert Ricciardelli

As God continues to release Himself through His people, we are hearing His voice as a prophetic people more than ever before. His Kingdom comes, and His will is being done on earth as it is in heaven. In the midst of His light being shed in greater measures, there is still the big issue of the fallen nature of man and the darkness within that nature.

We continue to see a rise in personal prophecies and words that are brought forth out of man and delivered to man, as the Lord wills. The problem arises when it is mans will and not God’s, or a mixture of God and man’s fallen nature. We have seen this cause hurts in many, and in fact some have never recovered from the hurt.

Prophecy is the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of Life.

I have received many calls the past several months from those who have been hurt by such things. They either were given a “word” that was tied to a benefit for the one giving it, or it was given with control and manipulation in mind. Other times it was given innocently, and the person received and acted upon something that they thought was from the Lord.

In one case the person was given a word saying that the Lord wanted to bless them, but to release the blessing they needed to sow into the “word givers” ministry. This is not how God operates, and I would reject those types of words immediately, or at least consider some impartial counsel.

It is so important in the season we are in, to hear from the Lord for your self. If you are having problems hearing from Him, go to those who love you and have no other agenda but love, and seek counsel from them. If you have been given words by someone other than those who God has placed in your life relationally, it is important to share it with others who may have wisdom on what the Lord may be doing and saying for your life. Others will add another level of discernment and accountability for those speaking on behalf of the Lord.

The Lord does speak through people at times, but it is important to get a multitude of counsel on those words, especially if they are directional, or involving a decision you have to make. Discount the words that bring condemnation, and love the person as they may not know what they are doing. Be overly cautious of words trying to bring extreme conviction, or extreme tickling to your ears. There may be a hidden agenda in those.

I know this may be hard for some to hear on either side of this, both those who desire to get a “word”, and for those who seek to give a “word. I believe there is a lot of misuse, and occasional abuse going on in charismatic and prophetic circles, and felt led to address it. We rejoice when the Lord speaks, but we want to make sure it is His voice, and thus the reminder for all of us.

John 2:24 it says that Jesus entrusted Himself to no man, for He knew the heart of men.

The key consideration here is the idea of “entrusting ourselves to others.” We can trust others but entrusting ourselves to anyone other than the Lord is risky. My wife and I entrust ourselves to one another as unto the Lord, and there are those relationships that God may have given you that are foundational. But when it comes to listening to someone speak as coming directly from the throne, it is important that we make sure it is Him, before we speak, and before we receive or act upon a word given by man.

There are some that use their ability, position, and charisma, to influence in ways that are not the heart of the Father, and grievous to Him. I really believe the Lord when He says my sheep hear my voice and listen to me. I believe we can hear His voice and by His Spirit discern correctly as to what is Spirit and what is flesh. During times of immaturity and times when discernment signals seem to be clouded, that is when a multitude of counsel may be necessary, especially on major directional issues.

I also believe the Lord would honor the time taken for fleeces and multiple confirmations for such important decisions. I usually say something like this, “Father you know my heart and that whatever you say, I will do. Please confirm this thing in ways that I will know it is you. I do not want to miss you, and I do not want to hold back from pleasing you, so will you send other signs, and other voices to confirm such things?”

If you are struggling with words that others have brought to you, release them to the Lord. He is not the author of confusion. Ask Him to sort out what is from Him, and He will show you. Forgive those who have utilized His name for any intent other than His perfect will for you. Be humble in giving, and receiving what may be from Him. Fear God when it comes to utilizing His name and His message. Typically I will let someone know that I believe this may be from the Lord, but to test it and see that it be true. At the same time, I have never been prompted by the Lord to give something that is not encouraging, exhorting, or pointing back to Him and His ways.

When you receive something from somebody, politely thank them, and begin the process of asking the Lord to reveal what may be true, and then seek after multiple confirmations for anything that may create a decision you may have to make. In all things both giving and receiving, check the love meter, and if it was delivered in His love. Those things that are not delivered in love, should be highly suspect…

When you combine subjective content, with human emotions attached to it, it can really seem like God, but it often can be complete deception.

When the Spirit and the Word are confirmed, release takes place, and heaven is in motion to fulfill the plans and purposes of God. May the Lord continue to show you His perfect way, and may your ears be tuned only to Him, and only to His voice, in Jesus name.


  1. Tony Roland02 August, 2009

    Robert, As in the days when the Lord walked amoung us, it is today. The self severing religious leaders were the people Jesus as recorded in the scripture railed against, those who servered them selves, and their own egos.......closing up the kingdom to those who would come. It is not bad to call them whitewashed know who they are and you know the theogolgy they espouse.. there is no cross, with out the cross whitewashed tomb is the perfect discription full of corruption. Flesh can not inhert Eternal Life. So the decievers will grow worse and worse,by their fruit you do know them.

  2. Today I listend to a CD which was made a few years ago. The man told of how God was working with him, telling him to do some things he didn't want to do, as it seemed as though the thing didn't need to be done. Later on the man
    saw how important the thing was and wished then
    that he would have done it.

    He told about how the Lord asked him to give some money that he seemed to need. The need might not have come about had he done what the Lord had told him earlier to do.

    This time he obeyed the Lord and gave out of that which he seemed to have need of. Somehow he
    got by without for some time.

    Years later the Lord told him that because of what he did years ago in obedience (which I spoke of above) he gave the man a promise of what he would do for the man. It was a wonderful
    promise that would be blessing to him and his family but he didn't see the need for it yet. He soon would and did.

    God made good on his word, giving the man the thing he had promised. It was a very valuable thing indeed, far more valuable than what the man had given years earlier.

    The man told how when God asks for something
    or tells you to do something, that we shouldn't
    just think of it as if we are simply being tested to see if we will do it, but also remember that there is great reward in so doing
    and that we will see it one day, and how God is
    able to give great spiritual blessings because we gave him some material thing.

  3. When we hear of someone getting hurt because someone who wasn't walking right tried to "fix"
    them, we might almost want to tell the person
    not to go back to where they were, and say something like, "Did the place have a cross on the top? Did it have people with Bibles?...You
    don't want to go back there again, ever."

    I believe we are at the beginning of a prophetic
    revival. We need ministers of all kinds whether
    pastors, teachers, evangelists, whatever. We also need the prophetic gifts.

    I believe the biggest thing we need is vision.
    I believe the Church needs to begin walking in
    a way that we haven't seen before. Ever.

    When was the last time you came to a new church
    and before you got to the front door, somebody
    said to you, "Hey! You!, Over here!", and there
    was somebody in some kind of new stretch Hummer
    or something with a lot of people shining up the chrome?

    "There's nobody there who will do justice, judgment, or deliver over there. Come here and
    if you are a Christian, and you have anything against any and have not been able to resolve the matter, I am willing to hear your case. If anyone has hurt you and you have gone to them
    first and they did not receive you, and you have
    no one to go with you, then you may come here.
    I am willing to hear these matters. If you are willing to forgive and to repent of your sins as
    they become known to you, I will hear your cause. Together we can seach the scriptures, pray, seek the will of God, worship him and find
    light in any dark valley. With his word in hand
    we can walk through this valley together. I am
    willing to hear your case, and what I have determined to do, by the help of God, is to not listen to evil for the sake of evil, but to listen to hear causes that are just. I wish to
    search out matters to see if indeed they are so
    before I judge a thing to see if it is right or not. With the help of God my saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, my good shepherd, I have determined to not condemn anyone, while at the same time hear their causes without partiality
    and without hypocrisy. What I am willing to do
    for you, I am willing to do for your oppressor
    also and am willing to let him know my godly
    intentions and my vision for ministry doing the work of reconciliation, for that is my calling
    of God in Christ Jesus my Lord and saviour, doing his will and not my own. I wish to receive
    no money, glory of men, or recognition of men. I do this for what God has called me to do, that it might be well with me. (see Jer 22:16 KJV).."

    Have you ever seen anyone do a thing like that?

    I hope such a thing will never have to happen.

    II Samuel 15:1-3
    And it came to pass after this, that Absalom prepared him chariots and horses, and fifty men
    to run before him.
    And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for
    judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said, Of what city art thou? And he said, Thy
    servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.
    And Absalom said unto him, See, thy matters are
    good and right; but there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee.

    How I wish all men were willing to do the work of delivering judges, reconcilers, workers in the ministry of reconciliation, but not for money, personal gain, position, glory of men,
    recogniton of men, fame, or self-promotion.

    See also:

    II Chron 19:4-7
    I Kings 7:7
    Jer 22:3-5 (Ask youself how often God swears by
    himself and when he does, how im-
    portant is it.)
    Job 29
    John 7:50,51
    John 7:24
    Matt 5-7
    Isaiah 58-59
    Judges 3:7-11
    Hosea 4:6
    Psalm 89:14
    Heb 11:10
    Genesis 18:19
    Isaiah 10:1,2
    Psalm 82
    Isaiah 16:5
    Isaiah 33:15
    Eziekial 22:30
    Where Jesus said "occupy till I come."

  4. If a righteous judge is to plead a case, it seems to me that the best plea he can make on the behalf of anyone oppressed, to the oppressor
    himself is this, "Please have mercy." This of course, after first making sure the thing done was in fact so and that it was truly wrong, and that he will plead for the other party also without partiality, doing the will of the Lord.

  5. Tony Roland17 August, 2009

    If they hang the title prophet around their neck, run, and never look back........ if you are talking with a brother or sister and hear that still small voice you ... you are safe

  6. Tony, it seems like you and me on this blog.
    Your advice speaks to me. I had hoped for reconcilition, but there was no brother unless one can count men brothers as David did when involved with Ziklag. (KJV)

    If around their neck is not seen mercy and truth
    they may be in tyranny instead, centralized kingdom of man rather than under the authority of the kingdom of heaven, either way, chains about their neck, whether gold or iron.

    Men are often taken by the things of this world
    just as some were at Ziklag.


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